Public Announcement Regarding the Complaints to the Turkish DPA by Power of Attorney in Electronic Environment

Within the scope of the regulations in the Constitution and the regulations in the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6689 ("KVKK"), there are regulations for applying to the data controller and Complaint to the Turkish DPA.
According to the announcement published by the Personal Data Protection Authority; as of 27th March 2023, the "Complaint Module" system on the website of the Authority has been updated so that lawyers can also submit their complaints to the Turkish DPA by power of attorney.
The Complaint Module must be logged in by way of e-Government and profile creation must be completed. In the Complaint Module, lawyers will be able to submit their complaints to the Turkish DPA by power of attorney.
You can access the information article titled Public Announcement Regarding the Complaints to the Turkish DPA by Power of Attorney in Electronic Environment published by the Turkish Personal Data Protection Authority here (In Turkish).
Should you have any queries or need further details, please contact your customer representative.