Certification of Simple Accommodation Facilities and Beach Premises

Certification of Simple Accommodation Facilities and Beach Premises The Regulation, which is published in the Official Gazette numbered 31609 and dated 25.09.2021, specifies the procedures and principles regarding the minimum qualifications of simple accommodation facilities (accommodation facilities which are operating without a license), beach premises, and their certifications, and it includes the provision of certificates to these entities, the procedures and principles regarding the determination of the physical conditions and operating principles that the beach premises have to comply with, promotion, information and approval of the price tariffs to be applied, and the inspection of the facilities.
Application and Document Arrangement
- All applications related to documentation are to be done to the provincial directorate by hand or by mail. If the necessary technical infrastructure is established, applications can also be made electronically.
- The following information and documents are sought for applications made for the certificate;
- Petition for application to be prepared as per the sample in Annex-1, which includes name, address contact information, capacity active and inactive periods of the facility.
- Statement of the signature if the applicant is a real person.
- During the simple accommodation facility applications, if the current address of the facility and the address specified in the business and working license are different, the relevant institution letter stating the current address will be necessary.
- A license to open a business and workplace, if the date of the license is after 28.07.2021 and there is no transfer statement on the license, the license is reissued for reasons such as transfer, death-related disposition, or inheritance.
- The document that shows the beach is in the use of the operator in the applications for the beach management/tourism management certificate.
- Applications made with missing documentation are to be rejected by the provincial directorate by stating the reason.
- Certification of accommodation facilities, whose application documents are approved, is done according to the following principles:
- Capacities of the suitable accommodation facilities are determined on-site. When calculating the room and bed capacity, each bedroom is considered to have two beds. In the naming of the facility locations, the locations specified in the Regulation on the Qualifications of Tourism Facilities, which was put into effect with Presidential Decree numbered 1134 and dated 31.05.2019, are taken as a basis.
- Under the 7th provision the simple accommodation tourism business certificate is issued for the accommodation facilities, whose capacity assessment is completed
- Certification of beach premises, which are operating by receiving a workplace and business license after 28.07.2021, is done according to the following principles:
- After examining the application documents, the beach premises that are found suitable are included in the inspection program.
- Suitable beach premises, which ensure minimum qualifications of their kind, are granted a certificate within the scope of the 7th provision.
- Beach premises, which have deficiencies in the qualifications of their kind, are given thirty days to correct the identified deficiencies.
- A document is issued within the scope of the 7th paragraph for the beach premises that are found to have corrected their deficiencies at the end of the given period. The request for those found not to have corrected their deficiencies is declined and necessary action is taken under the 7th paragraph of Article 5 of the Law.
- Certification of beach premises, which are operating by receiving a workplace and business license before 28.07.2021, is done according to the following principles:
- After examining the application documents, the beach premises that are found suitable are granted a certificate and inspected within 30 days.
- Certificates of beach premises, which have deficiencies in the qualifications of their kind, are canceled, and necessary action is taken under the 4th paragraph of provisional Article 11 of the Law.
- Facilities that are found to be suitable are granted certificates with the approval of the Governorate, within the scope of the 4th, 5th and 6th paragraphs. Certification fees are to be determined by the Ministry. After the certificate is issued, one copy is to be submitted to the Ministry and the administration, which has issued the workplace and business license. The same process is to be followed in case of any amendments or cancellation of the certificate.
- In case of any amendments or cancellation of the certificate, the former/canceled certificate is to be received by the provincial directorate.
Minimum Qualifications of Beach Premises
- Administrative unit (can be edited explicitly.)
- Locker cabins and showers as well as separate restrooms for women and men.
- Simple food and beverage service area or buffet service.
- Personnel outfit that is suitable for their duties.
- At least 2 lifeguards who have a silver certificate and a lifeguard watchtower.
- Materials offered to customer use and regularly maintained, such as canopy, sun lounger, and cushions.
- Demarcation of the safe swimming area with buoys.
- First-aid supplies.
- A sufficient number of dustbins in the beach area.
- Regular cleaning and maintenance of the beach area.
Within the scope of the 2nd paragraph of Article 30 of the Law, Inspections of simple accommodation facilities and beach premises will be done by the provincial directorate personnel or, in case of insufficient employees, will be done by other personnel to be appointed the governorate. Suggestions indicated in the inspection reports are to be executed by the governorate.
The governorship shall apply the relevant articles of the Law and this Regulation regarding the issues that will require the application of administrative sanctions to be determined as a result of the inspections to be made at the facilities with the beach management tourism business certificate and the facilities with the simple accommodation tourism business certificate.
Relevant provisions of the Regulation are executed by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.
Please click here for application petition regarding simple accommodation tourism premise certificate / beach business tourism premise certificate.
You can reach the Official Gazette via the link (In Turkish.)
Should you have any queries or need further details, please contact your customer representative.
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