Amendment on Payment Terms of Social Security Instituton Premiums

Pursuant to the regulation which came into force with the publication on the Official Gazette no. 30261, published on 5.12.2017 the provisional Article 34 titled “Payment Term for Certain Premiums for November 2017” was added to the Social Security Transactions Regulation.
The Article 34 prescribes that “November 2017 social security (SSI) premiums payable for the employee who earns a wage in exchange for the services provided during the first and thirtieth day of a month, along with the deferred February 2017 premiums all shall be paid to the SSI on 26.12.2017, the latest. The payment date is critical so that employers shall remain eligible to insurance premium subsidies and support and should not be charged with late payment fine and late payment interest due to the overdue premiums.
The said change is applicable for the stated periods only. The policy for which insurance premium payments for months other than the ones stated above, shall be payable on the last day of the following month and shall remain fully applicable and unchanged.