17 May 2024
What is Paternity Leave? How Many Days is Paternity Leave?

Paternity leave is a legal right that allows fathers of newborn children to take time off work to spend with their families for a certain period. This leave is crucial for working fathers to support their families and spend time with their babies after birth. Under the Turkish Labor Law, paternity leave is subject to specific rules and durations. In this article, we will answer all the details and questions about paternity leave.
How Many Days is Paternity Leave?
According to the Turkish Labor Law, paternity leave is determined as 5 days. This leave period applies to fathers with worker status and can be used from the date of birth. For public employees, this period is set at 10 days. The duration of the leave can be extended through an agreement between the employee and employer, or through individual or collective labor agreements. For example, some private sector employers may offer longer periods, while different arrangements can be made at some workplaces through collective bargaining agreements.
When Does Paternity Leave Start?
Paternity leave starts from the date of the child's birth. The date of birth should be considered the first day of the leave. Fathers who inform their employer at the time of birth can start using their leave immediately. However, leave can also be taken on different dates before or after the birth in some cases. For instance, if the birth occurs earlier than expected, the father can use his leave on the pre-birth dates. The durations specified in the Labor Law are definitive unless altered by agreement with the employer.
Can Paternity Leave Be Used Later?
Since paternity leave starts with the birth of the child, it cannot be postponed. However, it may be possible to use it later with the employer's approval.
How to Write a Paternity Leave Letter?
Fathers wishing to take paternity leave should apply to their employers with a letter. The content of the letter should clearly state the purpose and duration of the leave. Here is an example of a paternity leave letter:
[Name of the Institution / Employer]
[Company Address]
Date: [Day/Month/Year]
Subject: Request for Paternity Leave
Dear [Employer's Name] / [Name of the Institution]
Due to my spouse [Your Spouse's Name] giving birth on [Day/Month/Year], I would like to use the 5-day paternity leave granted to me under the Turkish Labor Law.
I request to use my leave from [Start Date] to [End Date].
I kindly request your approval.
[Your Name]
[Your Position]
[Your Signature]
This letter should clearly state the reason for the leave and the dates, providing the necessary information for approval.
Can Paternity Leave Be Extended?
Paternity leave is limited to the duration set by the Turkish Labor Law. However, it is possible to extend this period by agreement with the employer. The employer can grant additional leave provided that it does not disrupt the work and mutual agreement is reached with the employee. This situation varies from workplace to workplace and depends on the communication between the employee and employer.
Is Paternity Leave Deducted from Annual Leave?
According to the Turkish Labor Law, paternity leave is not deducted from annual leave. Paternity leave is a right provided directly under the Labor Law and can be used in addition to the annual leave period. Thus, a father using paternity leave does not lose any of his annual leave rights. This arrangement ensures that fathers can fulfill their family duties without sacrificing their annual leave entitlements.
Paternity Leave and the Turkish Labor Law
The Turkish Labor Law clearly outlines the regulations concerning paternity leave. According to the "Excuse Leave" section of the Turkish Labor Law, the spouses of women employees who give birth are entitled to 5 days of paid leave starting from the date of birth. This regulation aims to protect worker rights and support family unity. Additionally, employees' salaries are fully paid during paternity leave, and employers must consider this period without any wage deductions.
What are the Rights of an Employee if Paternity Leave Is Not Granted?
If paternity leave is not granted or is granted incompletely, the employee can terminate the employment contract for just cause and be entitled to severance pay.
What Happens if Paternity Leave Falls on a Weekend or Public Holiday?
Paternity leave is calculated as 5 days from the date of birth. Since the law does not specify working days, weekends and public holidays are not excluded from this period. This calculation is based on calendar days. Thus, paternity leave can include weekend days and national holidays, totaling 5 days.
Can Paternity Leave Be Used in Case of Adoption?
Under the Turkish Labor Law, paternity leave can also be used in cases of adoption. Once the adoption process is completed, the new father can use his paternity leave rights. In this case, the adoption certificate must be presented to the employer, and necessary procedures must be completed. Paternity leave in adoption cases is applied under the same conditions as biological birth, protecting the rights of the employee.
Paternity leave is an important right for fathers to allocate time for their families and spend time with their newborn children. The Turkish Labor Law safeguards this right, supporting the family unity of working fathers.
Should you have any queries or need further details, please contact us.